Comparing GoToFSBO.com vs 1% companies like Redfin versus traditional real estate companies
In a nut shell.
Redfin will list your home for 1% full service if you agree to buy with them as well.
Redfin will list your home for 2% full service if they fix up your home and you buy and sell with them.
For Virginia Home Sellers – the average home sale is between $400,000 – $800,000:
1% Realtor Listing commission the home seller would pay is $4,000 – $8,000
3% Realtor Listing commission the home seller would pay is $12,000 – $24,000
GoToFSBO.com offers a Full-Service package for a flat fee of $1299.00 with no obligation to buy a home with us however if you did buy from us, we offer a Buyer Rebate Program.
You decide on the length of time you want your MLS listing to run.
You determine the amount of home selling support you would like from us by selecting the package that best fits your needs and budget. your selection of which home selling package you would like to purchase.
You determine the price and commission offered – comps can be supplied if needed.
You can cancel at any time.
Some 1% and Traditional Real Estate companies also mention they will take professional photos. We have local photographers we have negotiated with who will take professional photos for as little as $150. Our Full-Service package also comes with a Professionally installed Post Sign, Lockbox, Showing Time Service and the option of selling FSBO (and then no buyer agent commission is due). If you find the buyer on your own, the Full-Service package includes a seasoned, top producing professional realtor preparing the offer for you and your FSBO Home Buyer. 1% companies, like Redfin, will still get 1% regardless of whether your buyers are represented or not. We do not charge you any commission if your buyer is not represented with an agent. With some Real Estate Companies, you receive a random real estate agent when you call to list your home with their company. These agents may or may not be seasoned. With GoToFSBO.com, Debbie Kent has been the top producing agent since 2015 and has received awards from NOVA magazine and Washingtonian Magazine for being a Top Producer Realtor in Homes Listings and Sales. Experience matters, knowledge is power, savings matters. Compare for yourself so you can make the best, most informed decision.