Specializing in Virginia Real Estate since 1994, GoToFSBO.com strives to assist homeowners sell quickly and save their equity by saving them 3% on commissions. With over 3 decades of experience, awards for top agents and million dollar producers we are experts in discount real estate.
We list Properties for a flat rate in your local MLS that include residential homes, vacation homes, rentals, land and commercial properties.
Do you have a few hours to take on the tasks a listing agent would typically perform? Such as filling out the paperwork and loading your photos ? Can you show your own home ? If so, this is the way to sell.
As the seller you pick the services you need. We have bundled our most popular services into packages for a flat rate that include assisting the seller in setting a price, renting professional yard signs and realtor/combo lockboxes, marketing the property in the MLS and on our gotofsbo.com site, where buyers can contact you directly from our site, and possibly save you even more in commission. We can also handle contract offers and negotiating on the seller’s behalf .
For those sellers/investors who are real estate savvy and dont need the extra services, we also offer à la carte services.
Getting your home listed on the MLS with us is simple. The complete process is done online through our website. There is no printing or faxing needed. Upload your photos, descriptions, sign all electronic documents and we will have you listed within 24-48 hours! Cancel at anytime.
Looking to buy, we also offer buyer rebates if you purchase a home in the MLS.